The Robosail project is finished!

We had great fun with the boat, but all good things come to an end. The Robosail company stopped its business in 2007. The martket for adaptive autopilots was too small to sustain a healthy business on the long run. We thank everybody that has shown interest in our work and our client and relations. We continue to do sailing research on a small scale, mainly exploring the possibilities of data mining for performance optimization. For inquiries about the project mail to Pieter Adriaans: pieter@robosail.com
Click here for a movie with images of the Robosail at its peak, doing speeds over 20 knots in the Dual Round Britain and Ireland 2002.

The book is still available. mail pieter@robosail.com to get a copy
Back to the robosail.com website

Sander Bakker and Vester Knibbe from Tuned rigs buy the Robosail open 40.
2008-10-14 14:51:06
Sander Bakker is well known in the world of single handed sainling (mini transat, Figaro etc.) He is planning to re-rig the Robosdail and to participate in major singlehanded sailing events. We wish Sander and his team a lot of luck. He has acquiered a very special boat with great potential. See also: http://www.tunedrigs.com/ and http://www.tunedrigs.com/index-profiel-bedrijf-sander.nl.html for further information.